Human Fraternity as Responsibility The Exemplary Case of Safeguarding La fraternidad humana como responsabilidad El caso ejemplar del safeguarding

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Alessandra Campo


Starting from Pope Francis’ documents on the theme of fraternity, this contribution aims to show how the ethical call for the healing of the world can find in fraternity a founding element to the extent that it is recognisable at a global level, and therefore regardless any cultural and religious differences. To this end, an attempt will be made to think of human fraternity in the light of a paradigm that can be accepted beyond these same differences. Through reference to some contemporary philosophical reflections (with particular reference to Hannah Arendt’s contribution), this paradigm will be identified in the essentially relational form of human existence. Starting from here, in particular by referring to the thought of Hans Jonas and Emmanuel Lévinas, the concept of fraternity will be thought of in the light of original human responsibility, and conceived as an original attitude in which the person cannot fail to recognise themselves in order to fully realise their identity. Finally, the efficacy of this paradigm will be shown in the exemplary case of the prevention of sexual and other forms of abuse (Safeguarding): only by thinking the abusive act in the light of the relational and contextual dimension in which it occurs, it is possible to understand the socio-cultural attitudes that, in a given context, favour it or at least do not inhibit it, in order to be able to intervene at a preventive level.



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Cómo citar
Human Fraternity as Responsibility The Exemplary Case of Safeguarding: La fraternidad humana como responsabilidad El caso ejemplar del safeguarding. (2024). Revista Ecuatoriana De Ciencias Filosófico-Teológicas, 1(1), 18-29.

Cómo citar

Human Fraternity as Responsibility The Exemplary Case of Safeguarding: La fraternidad humana como responsabilidad El caso ejemplar del safeguarding. (2024). Revista Ecuatoriana De Ciencias Filosófico-Teológicas, 1(1), 18-29.


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